SEMI Student Training & Certification Since 2002
About our National & International Training Institute.
By William E. Fisher, Jr 04-16-18The South Eastern Mold Institute Blog
If your looking for the best and most comprehensive Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, and Water Restoration Certification then look no further then the South Eastern Mold Institute (SEMI). Where your educational needs are based on hands on experience accumulated over four decades of customer satisfaction in the art of Mold Inspection, and Mold Remediation. When you have SEMI’s professional recognition on your certification professionals take notice recognize your abilities and expertise in the field’s of Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, Water Restoration.
SEMI was founded by a housing contractor for building contractors as well as others that make their living in housing, and commercial construction fields. Roofers, Home Builders, Plumbers, Mobile Home Installers, Handyman, Drywall Installers, and many other fields will greatly benefit from having their Certification with the SEMI Logo!
As an SEMI Certified Mold Inspector, Mold Remediator, and Water Restoration Professional you’ll have the educational tools to succeed and take your company to the next level. SEMI classroom training, and/or study at home training gives you the student the certified mold professional recognition needed to get ahead of your competition in your target market area.
When we get call’s for your area we do give you customer referrals, as they come in. We also give our students great professional support, and with your added Water Restoration designation on your certificate, Bank’s, Mortgage Companies, Insurance Companies, and Property Management Company’s like to see that you have had training in the field of Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, and Water Restoration. SEMI Certification carries more weight due to the fact we are used by more federal, state, county, and city governmental agencies then any other. We have had great success with our distance learning programs for mold related services! See our testimonial section for student feedback of our advanced mold training, and remediation programs.
With SEMI you get the added benefit of student support that we supply for your current and/or future mold inspection, and mold remediation projects. Water Restoration in conjunction with the Inspection, and Remediation Certification will give you that added boost to keep you ahead of your competition!
In this industry what it really comes down to is experience that’s rooted into your advanced training from SEMI. So when it comes to your fee’s, insurance, chemical’s, equipment, and safety protocols your only a phone call or email away to get expert advice you’ll need to get the job done, and get it done right!
William E. Fisher,. Jr President of SEMI has the reputation, and proven experience to guide you through the difficulties that may arise in your Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, and Water Restoration Projects.!
Thanks and remember if you want the best education possible forget the rest and join up with SEMI.
William E. Fisher, Jr. President of SEMI. 850-276-3135.